On Tuesday, April 24, 2012, Dan Espen <despen@verizon.net> wrote:
> Isn't the "modern" way to do this is start with a buffer in fundamental
> mode named "untitled-n" and if anything is typed in the buffer, save it
> as "untitled-n"?  So a typical user would have a home directory
> filled with "untitled-n" files?

Actually, the "modern" way is to prompt for a filename when the user tries to save the untitled buffer.

FWIW, I have a launcher script for emacs that I wrote for myself, and one of the things it does is insert the file argument "new-file-$RANDOM.txt" if there is none.


Gehm's Corollary to Clark's Law: Any technology distinguishable from
magic is insufficiently advanced.