Joćo, Thanks for the detailed reply. Our replies to Stefan crossed each other. On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 10:59 AM, Joćo Tįvora wrote: > > Anyway, the other 30% are probably legitimate cases where the user that > activated both yas-minor-mode and auto-complete-mode in a buffer > probably wants something like the following to happen: > > 1. Press TAB > > 2. If theres an active snippet key preceding point, expand it and > leave > > 3. Else attempt autocompletion at point, bring up a menu, whatever it > does > > 4. Else do whatever TAB is bound to > I wrote "probably" because I don't think I ever got a precise > description that clarified the desired interaction. That is, maybe some > users want 2 and 3 reversed. > Yes, that (yasnippet ahead of autocomplete) is what I have attempted to configure for myself. To ensure 3 remains accessible I try to give my snippets names with low likelihoods for collision. [..SNIP..] Again, thanks for the long authoritative reply. My take away is that configuring multiple packages to trigger in some meaningful, predictable manner from a single event is currently part of the "dark arts", not something newbies should attempt. It would be wonderful if some structure and formalism could be brought to this area. /john