Having first raised the issue of the merits of pitching Lisp on the Emacs website allow me to chime in again. My thought was that what Emacs needs before all else is more users. Period. A large enthusiastic community of users will spawn in time more accomplished, more advanced users. Even if the vast majority of those users never contribute to FSF nor write any serious Lisp we still benefit from their spreading the word. And the larger the community the more the laws of big numbers will guarantee we harvest some amount of new, younger talent. I would hope that our site would be not just a self-indulgent love fest, a litany of all the things we - the advanced, deeply committed users - love about Emacs. Instead I imagine our site as the place where a newbie becomes seduced by Emacs' clearly wonderful and unique functionality, available "out of the box". The site should make it clear and easy how to try out Emacs and ensure as much as possible a very positive experience. That experience should be good enough to motivate some number of the site's visitors to abandon permanently their current editor. There might be some low key mention of future ecstasy to be discovered down the road. But the first order of business is getting our newbie to try Emacs and conclude the (s)he likes it. Do you seriously want to adopt the stance that if a would be user does not drink the Lisp CoolAid then (s)he is not welcome to use our editor? Or at least (s)he has to get past our proselytizing? A newbie following up a suggestion that (s)he checkout an editor called Emacs should not be assailed by a religious pitch about how (s)he should lust to use Emacs because its extension language is superior to that used in other editors. First off most users are going to assess an editor based on what they came achieve right out of the box. After all until one has used a tool for a while one has little sense of where one's personal itches lie. Further, to the extent the our newbie already has a favorable impression of some other extension language pitching the virtues of Lisp could well be a turn-off. Net, we loose a potential convert who at the least might have been another satisfied Emacs booster, and who - were (s)he the sort of user prone to modifying tools - might have come around in time to writing extensions and contributing them back to the project. For those who are interested (eg the 13 year old Drew postulated) there are many easily discovered resources on the web describing Emacs, Lisp, eLisp, etc. We could easily include on our site a curated list of links to the best of such resources. If we feel that there does not yet exist a sufficiently effusive description of (e)Lisp we can write one and link to it. /john