Sorry, I don't have a linux machine to test now. I tested that this bug still exists on Emacs 24.3.1, running on 3.10.0-693.5.2.el7.x86_64 of Scientific Linux 7.3 by running a remote X-window. The * mark updates when I am under user home folder but not updating when I am in a file in /tmp. I don't have access to a more recent version of Emacs and was unable to install a more recent version of emacs there. If the bug is no longer there, it may be just fine now.

Lars Ingebrigtsen <> 于2021年7月16日周五 上午1:17写道:
Yi Wang <> writes:

> If I set frame-title as:
> (setq frame-title-format "%b  %* ")
> The modified mark * will display correctly for normal files. But for
> files in /tmp (where tmpfs is enabled), the modified mark almost never
> appears (though actually buffer is modified).

(I'm going through old bug reports that unfortunately got little response at
the time.)

I tried reproducing this on Debian/bullseye with Emacs 28 now in this

tmpfs           1.6G  896K  1.6G   1% /run/user/1000

And I was unable to -- the "*" appeared in the frame title as expected.

Are you still seeing this issue in recent Emacs versions?

(domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.)
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