I haven't yet. More, I upgraded to 27.0.50 from 26.3 and everything is so snappy and nice - I maybe won't dig too hard anymore. Shall we close this or is it better that I do try further digging? On Thu, Feb 20, 2020, 07:34 Lars Ingebrigtsen wrote: > Corwin Brust writes: > > > Once I completely disabled the Comcast security feature, whatever it's > called, > > ERC connects without difficulty. > > > > I think this may still be a valid bug, however, as I was able to > > connect to Freenode (used for testing in all cases) from rcirc even > > while Comcast's anti-productivity software was active. I'm curious > > how the two different IRC implementations handle/depend on IDENT. > > I'll dig into this if I can and report with such clues or questions as > > I find. > > Whatever "security" software they were using could be using deep packet > inspection; i.e., blocking the connection based on the protocol contents > of the packets. It does sound rather unlikely that anybody would bother > to do that for IRC, but who knows these days... > > Did you find any further clues? > > -- > (domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.) > bloggy blog: http://lars.ingebrigtsen.no >