There are two popular Emacs patches for OS X that make all its windows have no title bar: This patch integrates these by providing a variable (ns-use-titled-windows) that allows this decision to be controlled at runtime. The default is to use titles, like normal. -- Some comments on the patch This is my first Emacs patch. I hope it's okay. The only difference between EmacsFSWindow and EmacsWindow is explicitly telling OS X that the window can be the subject of focus, which is required for borderless windows. (EmacsFSWindow has nothing to do with being fullscreen.) A toolbar can't be used without a title bar. If this isn't included, then the console prints an error, but nothing bad happens. I think it is a bit ugly to `if` out this, but not as ugly as an expected error message. I included a note in the Changelog, because it looks like all variables like this get put in, but it could be removed from my perspective... I have no need to satisfy my pride with my name in the log. However, I didn't add anything to NEWS, because it seems to not always mention things like this.