(defun scimax-store-link-advice (orig-fun &rest args)
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'symbol-name)
(lambda (_)
(apply orig-fun args)))
(advice-add 'org-store-link :around 'scimax-store-link-advice)
On 02/01/2021 14:49, John Kitchin wrote:
> Recently I have had an issue where multiple functions may store a link,
> e.g. to a bibtex entry.
> In this case, org-mode seems to prompt me to ask which function to store
> the link with, with an initial input of the first function, which masks
> all the options that are available. This happens
> inside |org-store-link| in ol.el at line 1495 for me. in
> (apply #'org-link-store-props
> (cdr (assoc-string
> (completing-read
> "Which function for creating the link? "
> (mapcar #'car results-alist)
> nil t (symbol-name name))
> results-alist)))
> because of the (symbol-name name).
> Is there an easy way to avoid this, or to modify the order of the
> functions used? I want to see all the options for storing, or better, to
> just store them all and let me choose later when I use org-insert-link.
I have the exact same problem. I think it comes from having org-bibtex
and org-ref loaded at the same time. I haven't investigated a possible