Some progress: 1. Replacing the kmacro-exec-ring-item with the lower level execute-kbd-macro works (defun om () "Keyboard macro." (interactive) (execute-kbd-macro [79 77 32 98 104 85 114 98 104 117 118 97 72 32 115 117 118 97 72 116 97 116 115 97 118 105 116 117 114 118 97 114 101 110 121 97 109 98 104 97 114 103 111 32 100 101 118 97 115 121 97 32 100 104 73 109 97 104 105 100 104 105 121 111 32 121 111 110 97 72 32 112 114 97 99 104 111 100 97 121 65 116 10])) 2. The misbehavior on the last 10 was because it was in Lisp Interaction mode So now... If I can produce that vector from elisp rather than python I guess its easy after that... Thanks again Nick!