In GNU Emacs 23.4.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin, NS apple-appkit-1038.36)
 of 2012-01-29 on

Repro: On Mac OS X, turns a CJK input method on, e.g. Chinese Pinyin Input Method, then types shifted characters like ":", "?", "<" or ">" in GNU Emacs OS X 23.4.1.
Expected results: Chinese fullwidth punctuations are input, like ":", "?", "《" or "》".
Actual results: English halfwidth punctuations are input, ":", "?", "<" or ">".

Debug and Code location:

See src/nsterm.m line 4490-4492, the current logic is, when there are modifier keys, including SHIFT, being pressed down, the key code won't be sent to OS X Input Manager for composing the input method result. This logic is NOT true for shifted keystrokes. Actually, shifted keystrokes like ":", "?", "<" or ">" are still display characters and should be sent into the Input Manager for composing.

      /* if it was a function key or had modifiers, pass it directly to emacs */
      if (fnKeysym || (emacs_event->modifiers
                       && [[theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] length] > 0))

A workable fix:

      /* if it was a function key or had modifiers(except for shift only modifier), pass it directly to emacs */
      if (fnKeysym || (emacs_event->modifiers
                       && emacs_event->modifiers != shift_modifier
                       && [[theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] length] > 0))


Yong-Gang Wang 王咏刚