Yeah, I should get my keys on some servers.  I finally started signing all my commits, so I just felt weird about not signing the patch.  It was my pleasure to contribute this miniscule addition to the wonderful emacs.

On Sat, Jan 29, 2022, 6:49 PM J.P. <> wrote:
Guy Gastineau <> writes:

> Here it is. I don't think my pgp key is on any keyserver, but I signed
> it anyway.

I'm not sure if Emacs has a policy regarding the signing of everyday
contributions, but if your key isn't signed by anyone and not propagated
among the keyservers, then I'd guess you can probably just skip further
signing in the near term.

> Thank you for the encouragement.

My pleasure. This looks ready for Emacs 29. Thanks.

                              . . .

I've added the customary tweaks to the log message if someone wants to
glance at it (cc. bandali, Lars). Also, question: is there formal
recordkeeping going on re exempt lines accumulated per individual? And
if not, is the recommended way to get a tally just `git log --author=`?