It seems that anaconda-mode use two global variables (url-request-method and url-request-data) to make generate the request. url-request-method is bound to an ASCII string "POST". In my situation, url-request-data is bound to a unibyte string as below. "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"eldoc\",\"params\":{\"source\":\"# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\\nimport itertools\\nfrom itertools import groupby\\n\\nfrom sage.all import mul\\nfrom sage.arith.all import kronecker_symbol\\nfrom sage.functions.all import ceil, floor, sgn\\nfrom sage.matrix.all import (block_diagonal_matrix, block_matrix,\\n diagonal_matrix, identity_matrix, matrix)\\nfrom sage.misc.all import cached_function\\nfrom sage.quadratic_forms.all import QuadraticForm, least_quadratic_nonresidue\\nfrom sage.rings.all import QQ, ZZ, CyclotomicField, FiniteField, PolynomialRing\\n\\n\\ndef _index_of_gamma_0_gl_n(alpha, p):\\n '''\\n Returns delta(a1, ..., an) defined in Shimura, Euler products and Eisenstein\\n series, pp 118, (15.1.7).\\n '''\\n if p in ZZ:\\n p = ZZ(p)\\n\\n def _bn(n):\\n return mul(1 - p ** (-i) for i in xrange(1, n + 1))\\n\\n e_r_ls = [(k, len(list(v)))\\n for k, v in groupby(sorted(alpha), lambda x: x)]\\n res = _bn(len(alpha)) / mul(_bn(r) for _, r in e_r_ls)\\n for i, (ei, ri) in enumerate(e_r_ls):\\n for j, (ej, rj) in enumerate(e_r_ls):\\n if i < j:\\n res *= p ** ((ej - ei) * ri * rj)\\n return res\\n\\n\\ndef _gl2_coset_gamma0(a, p):\\n w = matrix([[0, -1],\\n [1, 0]])\\n for m12 in range(p ** a):\\n yield matrix([[1, m12],\\n [0, 1]])\\n for m21 in range(p ** (a - 1)):\\n m = matrix([[1, 0],\\n [p * m21, 1]])\\n yield w * m\\n\\n\\ndef _gl3_coset_gamma0(alpha, p):\\n r'''\\n Let alpha = [a0, a1, a2] with a0 <= a1 <= a2,\\n g = diag([p^a0, p^a1, p^a2]), and Gamma0 = g^(-1) GL3(Z) g \342\210\247 GL3(Z).\\n Return a complete set Gamma0 \\\\ GL3(Z).\\n '''\\n if p in ZZ:\\n p = ZZ(p)\\n a0, a1, a2 = alpha\\n if a0 < a1 < a2:\\n return list(__gl3_coset_gamma0_distinct(a0, a1, a2, p))\\n elif a0 == a1 and a1 < a2:\\n return list(__gl3_coset_gamma0_2_1(a0, a2, p))\\n elif a0 < a1 and a1 == a2:\\n return list(__gl3_coset_gamma0_1_2(a0, a2, p))\\n elif a0 == a1 == a2:\\n return [identity_matrix(ZZ, 3)]\\n else:\\n raise ValueError\\n\\n\\ndef __gl3_coset_gamma0_2_1(a1, a3, p):\\n w23 = matrix([[1, 0, 0],\\n [0, 0, 1],\\n [0, 1, 0]])\\n for m13 in range(p ** (a3 - a1 - 1)):\\n for m23 in range(p ** (a3 - a1 - 1)):\\n m = matrix([[1, 0, p * m13],\\n [0, 1, p * m23],\\n [0, 0, 1]])\\n yield m\\n\\n for m32 in range(p ** (a3 - a1)):\\n m = matrix([[1, 0, 0],\\n [0, 1, 0],\\n [0, m32, 1]])\\n for g in _gl2_coset_gamma0(a3 - a1, p):\\n n = block_diagonal_matrix(g, matrix([[1]]))\\n yield w23 * m * n\\n\\n\\ndef __gl3_coset_gamma0_1_2(a1, a2, p):\\n w12 = matrix([[0, 1, 0],\\n [1, 0, 0],\\n [0, 0, 1]])\\n\\n for m12 in range(p ** (a2 - a1 - 1)):\\n for m13 in range(p ** (a2 - a1 - 1)):\\n m = matrix([[1, p * m12, p * m13],\\n [0, 1, 0],\\n [0, 0, 1]])\\n yield m\\n for m21 in range(p ** (a2 - a1)):\\n m = matrix([[1, 0, 0],\\n [m21, 1, 0],\\n [0, 0, 1]])\\n for g in _gl2_coset_gamma0(a2 - a1, p):\\n n = block_diagonal_matrix(matrix([[1]]), g)\\n yield w12 * m * n\\n\\n\\ndef __gl3_coset_gamma0_distinct(a1, a2, a3, p):\\n\\n w12 = matrix([[0, 1, 0],\\n [1, 0, 0],\\n [0, 0, 1]])\\n\\n w23 = matrix([[1, 0, 0],\\n [0, 0, 1],\\n [0, 1, 0]])\\n\\n w13 = matrix([[0, 0, 1],\\n [0, 1, 0],\\n [1, 0, 0]])\\n\\n w123 = matrix([[0, 1, 0],\\n [0, 0, 1],\\n [1, 0, 0]])\\n\\n w132 = matrix([[0, 0, 1],\\n [1, 0, 0],\\n [0, 1, 0]])\\n\\n # w = 1\\n for m12 in range(p ** (a2 - a1 - 1)):\\n for m13 in range(p ** (a3 - a1 - 1)):\\n for m23 in range(p ** (a3 - a2 - 1)):\\n yield matrix([[1, p * m12, p * m13],\\n [0, 1, p * m23],\\n [0, 0, 1]])\\n # w = (12)\\n for m13 in range(p ** (a3 - a2 - 1)):\\n for m21 in range(p ** (a2 - a1)):\\n for m23 in range(p ** (a3 - a1 - 1)):\\n m = matrix([[1, 0, p * m13],\\n [m21, 1, p * m23],\\n [0, 0, 1]])\\n yield w12 * m\\n # w = (23)\\n for m12 in range(p ** (a3 - a1 - 1)):\\n for m13 in range(p ** (a2 - a1 - 1)):\\n for m32 in range(p ** (a3 - a2)):\\n m = matrix([[1, p * m12, p * m13],\\n [0, 1, 0],\\n [0, m32, 1]])\\n yield w23 * m\\n\\n # w = (13)\\n for m21 in range(p ** (a3 - a2)):\\n for m31 in range(p ** (a3 - a1)):\\n for m32 in range(p ** (a2 - a1)):\\n m = matrix([[1, 0, 0],\\n [m21, 1, 0],\\n [m31, m32, 1]])\\n yield w13 * m\\n\\n # w = (123)\\n for m21 in range(p ** (a3 - a1)):\\n for m23 in range(p ** (a2 - a1 - 1)):\\n for m31 in range(p ** (a3 - a2)):\\n m = matrix([[1, 0, 0],\\n [m21, 1, p * m23],\\n [m31, 0, 1]])\\n yield w123 * m\\n # w = (132)\\n for m12 in range(p ** (a3 - a2 - 1)):\\n for m31 in range(p ** (a2 - a1)):\\n for m32 in range(p ** (a3 - a1)):\\n m = matrix([[1, p * m12, 0],\\n [0, 1, 0],\\n [m31, m32, 1]])\\n yield w132 * m\\n\\n\\nclass HalfIntMatElement(object):\\n\\n def __init__(self, T):\\n '''\\n :params T: half integral matrix of size 3 or a list\\n '''\\n if isinstance(T, list):\\n a, b, c, d, e, f = [ZZ(x) for x in T]\\n mat = matrix([[a, f / 2, e / 2],\\n [f / 2, b, d / 2],\\n [e / 2, d / 2, c]])\\n else:\\n mat = T\\n self.__entries = tuple(mat.list())\\n\\n def __eq__(self, other):\\n if isinstance(other, HalfIntMatElement):\\n return self.__entries == other.__entries\\n else:\\n raise NotImplementedError\\n\\n def __repr__(self):\\n return self.T.__repr__()\\n\\n def __hash__(self):\\n return hash(self.__entries)\\n\\n @property\\n def T(self):\\n return matrix(3, self.__entries)\\n\\n def right_action(self, g):\\n '''\\n :param g: matrix of size n\\n return self[g] (Siegel's notation)\\n '''\\n S = g.transpose() * self.T * g\\n return HalfIntMatElement(S)\\n\\n def satisfy_cong_condition_tp(self, p, alpha):\\n '''\\n Test if sum_{B mod D} exp(2pi T B D^(-1)) is zero, where D = diag(p^a1, p^a2, a^a3),\\n a1, a2, a3 = alpha.\\n '''\\n return (all(ZZ(self.T[i, i]) % p ** alpha[i] == 0 for i in range(3)) and\\n all(ZZ(self.T[i, j] * 2) % p ** alpha[i] == 0\\n for i in range(3) for j in range(i + 1, 3)))\\n\\n def is_divisible_by(self, m):\\n '''\\n Test if self is divisible by m\\n :param m: integer\\n '''\\n return _half_int_mat_is_div_by(self.T, m)\\n\\n def __floordiv__(self, other):\\n S = matrix(QQ, 3)\\n for i in range(3):\\n S[i, i] = ZZ(self.T[i, i]) // other\\n for i in range(3):\\n for j in range(i + 1, 3):\\n S[i, j] = S[j, i] = (ZZ(self.T[i, j] * 2) // other) / 2\\n return HalfIntMatElement(S)\\n\\n\\ndef alpha_list(dl):\\n '''\\n Return a list of (a0, a1, a2) with 0 <= a0 <= a1 <= a2 <= dl\\n '''\\n return [(a0, a1, a2) for a0 in range(dl + 1)\\n for a1 in range(a0, dl + 1) for a2 in range(a1, dl + 1)]\\n\\n\\ndef tp_action_fourier_coeff(p, T, F):\\n '''\\n Return the Tth Fourier coefficient of F|T(p), where F is a modular form.\\n :param p: a prime number\\n :param T: a half integral matrix or an instance of HalfIntMatElement\\n :param F: a dictionary or a Siegel modular form of degree 3\\n '''\\n p = ZZ(p)\\n return _action_fc_base(tp_action_fc_alist(p, T), F, T)\\n\\n\\ndef tp2_action_fourier_coeff(p, i, T, F):\\n '''\\n Similar to tp_action_fourier_coeff for T_i(p^2).\\n '''\\n p = ZZ(p)\\n return _action_fc_base(tp2_action_fc_alist(p, T, i), F, T)\\n\\n\\ndef _action_fc_base(ls, F, T):\\n if not isinstance(T, HalfIntMatElement):\\n T = HalfIntMatElement(T)\\n res = 0\\n for s, a, g in ls:\\n res = a * F[s].left_action(g) + res\\n return res\\n\\n\\ndef hecke_eigenvalue_tp(p, F, T=None):\\n '''\\n p, F, T: same as aruments of tp_action_fourier_coeff.\\n Assuming F is an eigenform, return the eigenvalue for T(p),\\n T is used for the computation of Fourier coefficients.\\n If T is omitted, T will be set to\\n matrix([[1, 1/2, 1/2], [1/2, 1, 1/2], [1/2, 1/2, 1]]).\\n '''\\n return _hecke_eigenvalue_base(lambda s: tp_action_fourier_coeff(p, s, F), F, T=T)\\n\\n\\ndef hecke_eigenvalue_tp2(p, i, F, T=None):\\n '''\\n Similar to hecke_eigenvalue_tp for T(p^2).\\n '''\\n return _hecke_eigenvalue_base(lambda s: tp2_action_fourier_coeff(p, i, s, F), F, T=T)\\n\\n\\ndef spinor_l_euler_factor(p, F, t=None, T=None):\\n '''\\n F: a dict or Siegel modular form of degree 3.\\n Return a polynomial G(t) of degree 8, s.t.\\n G(p^(-s))^(-1) is the p-Euler factor of the spinor L function of F.\\n '''\\n p = ZZ(p)\\n if t is None:\\n t = PolynomialRing(QQ, 1, names='t', order=\\\"neglex\\\").gens()[0]\\n c = {}\\n tp = hecke_eigenvalue_tp(p, F, T=T)\\n tpp1, tpp2, tpp3 = [hecke_eigenvalue_tp2(p, i, F, T=T) for i in [1, 2, 3]]\\n c[0] = ZZ(1)\\n c[1] = tp\\n c[2] = p * (tpp1 + (p**2 + 1) * tpp2 + (p**2 + 1)**2 * tpp3)\\n c[3] = p**3 * tp * (tpp2 + tpp3)\\n c[4] = p**6 * (tp**2 * tpp3 + tpp2**2 - 2 * p * tpp1 * tpp3 -\\n 2 * (p - 1) * tpp2 * tpp3 -\\n (p**6 + 2 * p**5 + 2 * p**3 + 2 * p - 1) * tpp3**2)\\n c[5] = p**6 * tpp3 * c[3]\\n c[6] = p**12 * tpp3 ** 2 * c[2]\\n c[7] = p**18 * tpp3 ** 3 * c[1]\\n c[8] = p**24 * tpp3 ** 4\\n return sum((-1)**k * v * t**k for k, v in c.items())\\n\\n\\ndef rankin_convolution_degree1(f, g, p, name=None):\\n u'''\\n f, g: primitive forms of degree 1 and level 1.\\n Return p-euler factor of the Rankin convolution of f and g as\\n a polynomial.\\n '''\\n k1 = f.weight()\\n k2 = g.weight()\\n ap = f[p]\\n bp = g[p]\\n t = PolynomialRing(QQ, 1, names='t' if name is None else name,\\n order=\\\"neglex\\\").gens()[0]\\n return (1 - ap * bp * t +\\n (ap**2 * p**(k2 - 1) + bp**2 * p**(k1 - 1) - 2 * p**(k1 + k2 - 2)) * t**2 -\\n ap * bp * p**(k1 + k2 - 2) * t**3 + p**(2 * (k1 + k2 - 2)) * t**4)\\n\\n\\ndef _hecke_eigenvalue_base(fc_func, F, T=None):\\n if T is None:\\n T = HalfIntMatElement(matrix([[ZZ(1), ZZ(1) / ZZ(2), ZZ(1) / ZZ(2)],\\n [ZZ(1) / ZZ(2), ZZ(1), ZZ(1) / ZZ(2)],\\n [ZZ(1) / ZZ(2), ZZ(1) / ZZ(2), ZZ(1)]]))\\n if not isinstance(T, HalfIntMatElement):\\n T = HalfIntMatElement(T)\\n v1 = fc_func(T).vector\\n v = F[T].vector\\n if v == 0:\\n raise ZeroDivisionError\\n else:\\n i = next(i for i in range(len(v)) if v[i] != 0)\\n return v1[i] / v[i]\\n\\n\\n@cached_function\\ndef tp_action_fc_alist(p, T):\\n '''\\n return a list of tuples (S, a, g) s.t.\\n S: an instance of HalfIntMatElement\\n a: integer\\n g: 3 by 3 matrix s.t.\\n F|T(p) = sum(a rho(g) F[S] | (a, g, S)).\\n '''\\n res1 = []\\n for alpha in alpha_list(1):\\n D = diagonal_matrix([p ** a for a in alpha])\\n for V in _gl3_coset_gamma0(alpha, p):\\n M = D * V\\n S = T.right_action(M.transpose())\\n if S.is_divisible_by(p):\\n S = S // p\\n if S.satisfy_cong_condition_tp(p, alpha):\\n # p**(-6) and p in the third item are for normalization.\\n res1.append(\\n (S, p ** (-6) * mul(p ** alpha[i] for i in range(3) for j in range(i, 3)),\\n M ** (-1) * p))\\n return __convert_reduced_nonisom_matrices(res1)\\n\\n\\ndef __convert_reduced_nonisom_matrices(alst):\\n red_res = []\\n for s, a, g in alst:\\n u = _minkowski_reduction_transform_matrix(s.T)\\n t = s.right_action(u)\\n red_res.append((t, a, g * u.transpose() ** (-1)))\\n\\n non_isoms = []\\n\\n for s, a, g in red_res:\\n q = QuadraticForm(ZZ, 2 * s.T)\\n u = None\\n for t, _, _ in non_isoms:\\n q1 = QuadraticForm(ZZ, 2 * t.T)\\n if q.det() == q1.det():\\n u = q.is_globally_equivalent_to(q1, return_matrix=True)\\n if u and u.transpose() * q.Gram_matrix_rational() * u == q1.Gram_matrix_rational():\\n break\\n if u:\\n non_isoms.append((s.right_action(u), a, g * u.transpose() ** (-1)))\\n else:\\n non_isoms.append((s, a, g))\\n return non_isoms\\n\\n\\n@cached_function\\ndef tp2_action_fc_alist(p, T, i):\\n '''\\n similar to tp_action_fc_alist for T_i(p^2) for i = 0, 1, 2, 3.\\n '''\\n res1 = []\\n\\n for alpha in alpha_list(2):\\n D = diagonal_matrix([p ** a for a in alpha])\\n for V in _gl3_coset_gamma0(alpha, p):\\n M = D * V\\n S = T.right_action(M.transpose())\\n if S.is_divisible_by(p ** 2):\\n S = S // (p ** 2)\\n res1.append((S, p ** (-12) * _expt_sum(S, p, alpha, i),\\n M ** (-1) * p ** 2))\\n\\n return __convert_reduced_nonisom_matrices([(a, b, c) for a, b, c in res1 if b != 0])\\n\\n\\ndef _nearest_integer(x):\\n r = floor(x)\\n if x - r > 0.5:\\n return r + 1\\n else:\\n return r\\n\\n\\ndef _gaussian_reduction(b1, b2, S):\\n '''\\n b1, b2: vectors of length 3\\n S: symmetric matrix of size 3\\n '''\\n while True:\\n nb1 = b1 * S * b1\\n nb2 = b2 * S * b2\\n if nb2 < nb1:\\n b1, b2 = b2, b1\\n x = (b2 * S * b1) / (b1 * S * b1)\\n r = _nearest_integer(x)\\n a = b2 - r * b1\\n if a * S * a >= b2 * S * b2:\\n return (b1, b2)\\n else:\\n b1, b2 = a, b1\\n\\n\\ndef _sym_mat_gen(p, n):\\n if n == 1:\\n for a in range(p):\\n yield matrix([[a]])\\n else:\\n for s in _sym_mat_gen(p, n - 1):\\n ls = [range(p) for _ in range(n)]\\n for a in itertools.product(*ls):\\n v = matrix([a[:-1]])\\n yield block_matrix([[s, v.transpose()], [v, matrix([[a[-1]]])]])\\n\\n\\ndef _gen_gauss_sum_direct_way(N, p, r):\\n res = 0\\n K = CyclotomicField(p)\\n zeta = K.gen()\\n for S in _sym_mat_gen(p, N.ncols()):\\n if S.change_ring(FiniteField(p)).rank() == r:\\n res += zeta ** ((N * S).trace())\\n try:\\n return QQ(res)\\n except TypeError:\\n return res\\n\\n\\ndef _generalized_gauss_sum(N, p, r):\\n if r == 0:\\n return 1\\n if p == 2:\\n return _gen_gauss_sum_direct_way(N, p, r)\\n else:\\n N_mp = N.change_ring(FiniteField(p))\\n d, _, v = N_mp.smith_form()\\n t = d.rank()\\n N1 = (v.transpose() * N_mp *\\n v).matrix_from_rows_and_columns(range(t), range(t))\\n eps = kronecker_symbol(N1.det(), p)\\n return _gen_gauss_sum_non_dyadic(p, eps, N.ncols(), t, r)\\n\\n\\ndef _half_int_mat_is_div_by(S, m):\\n n = S.ncols()\\n return (all(ZZ(S[i, i]) % m == 0 for i in range(n)) and\\n all(ZZ(2 * S[i, j]) % m == 0 for i in range(n) for j in range(i + 1, n)))\\n\\n\\n@cached_function\\ndef _gen_gauss_sum_non_dyadic(p, eps, n, t, r):\\n '''\\n cf. H. Saito, a generalization of Gauss sums\\n '''\\n\\n def parenthesis_prod(a, b, m):\\n if m == 0:\\n return 1\\n else:\\n return mul(1 - a * b ** i for i in range(m))\\n\\n if (n - t) % 2 == 0:\\n m = (n - t) // 2\\n else:\\n m = (n - t + 1) // 2\\n\\n if n == r:\\n if n % 2 == 1:\\n return ((-1) ** ((n - 2 * m + 1) // 2) * p ** ((n ** 2 + (2 * m) ** 2 - 1) // 4) *\\n parenthesis_prod(p ** (-1), p ** (-2), m))\\n elif n % 2 == t % 2 == 0:\\n return ((-kronecker_symbol(-1, p)) ** ((n - 2 * m) // 2) *\\n eps * p ** ((n ** 2 + (2 * m + 1) ** 2 - 1) // 4) *\\n parenthesis_prod(p ** (-1), p ** (-2), m))\\n else:\\n return 0\\n else:\\n diag = [1 for _ in range(t)]\\n if eps == -1:\\n diag[-1] = least_quadratic_nonresidue(p)\\n diag = diag + [0 for _ in range(n - t)]\\n N = diagonal_matrix(diag).change_ring(FiniteField(p))\\n return _gen_gauss_sum_direct_way(N, p, r)\\n\\n\\ndef _expt_sum(S, p, alpha, i):\\n '''\\n Return the exponential sum in Miyawaki's paper, where alpha[-1] <= 2, for T_i(p^2).\\n '''\\n a, b, c = [alpha.count(_i) for _i in range(3)]\\n S33 = S.T.matrix_from_rows_and_columns(range(a + b, 3), range(a + b, 3))\\n S22 = S.T.matrix_from_rows_and_columns(range(a, a + b), range(a, a + b))\\n S32 = S.T.matrix_from_rows_and_columns(range(a + b, 3), range(a))\\n\\n if c > 0 and not _half_int_mat_is_div_by(S33, p ** 2):\\n return 0\\n if c > 0 and b > 0 and any(x % p != 0 for x in (S32 * ZZ(2)).change_ring(ZZ).list()):\\n return 0\\n\\n if b == 0 and a + c == 3 - i:\\n return p ** (c * (c + 1))\\n elif b == 0:\\n return 0\\n else:\\n return p ** (c * (c + 1)) * p ** (b * c) * _generalized_gauss_sum(S22, p, b - i)\\n\\n\\ndef _minkowski_reduction(b1, b2, b3, S):\\n\\n def inner_prod(x, y):\\n return x * S * y\\n\\n while True:\\n b1, b2, b3 = sorted([b1, b2, b3], key=lambda b: b * S * b)\\n\\n b1, b2 = _gaussian_reduction(b1, b2, S)\\n\\n b11 = inner_prod(b1, b1)\\n b12 = inner_prod(b1, b2)\\n b13 = inner_prod(b1, b3)\\n b22 = inner_prod(b2, b2)\\n b23 = inner_prod(b2, b3)\\n b33 = inner_prod(b3, b3)\\n\\n y1 = - (b13 / b11 - b12 * b23 / (b11 * b22)) / \\\\\\n (1 - b12 ** 2 / (b11 * b22))\\n y2 = - (b23 / b22 - b12 * b13 / (b11 * b22)) / \\\\\\n (1 - b12 ** 2 / (b11 * b22))\\n\\n # Find integers x1, x2 so that norm(b3 + x2 * b2 + x1 * b1) is minimal.\\n a_norms_alst = []\\n\\n for x1 in [floor(y1), ceil(y1)]:\\n for x2 in [floor(y2), ceil(y2)]:\\n a = b3 + x2 * b2 + x1 * b1\\n a_norms_alst.append((x1, x2, a, inner_prod(a, a)))\\n _inner_prod_a = min(x[-1] for x in a_norms_alst)\\n x1, x2, a, _ = next(x for x in a_norms_alst if x[-1] == _inner_prod_a)\\n\\n if _inner_prod_a >= b33:\\n # Change sings of b1, b2, b3 and terminate the alogrithm\\n sngs = [sgn(b12), sgn(b13), sgn(b23)]\\n bs = [b1, b2, b3]\\n try:\\n # If b12, b13 or b23 is zero, change sgns of b1, b2, b3 so that\\n # b12, b13, b23 >= 0.\\n zero_i = sngs.index(0)\\n set_ls = [set([1, 2]), set([1, 3]), set([2, 3])]\\n t = set_ls[zero_i]\\n _other = [x for x in [1, 2, 3] if x not in t][0]\\n for x in t:\\n i = set_ls.index(set([x, _other]))\\n if sngs[i] < 0:\\n bs[x - 1] *= -1\\n b1, b2, b3 = bs\\n except ValueError:\\n # Else change sgns so that b12, b13 > 0\\n if b12 < 0:\\n b2 = -b2\\n if b13 < 0:\\n b3 = -b3\\n return (b1, b2, b3)\\n else:\\n b3 = a\\n\\n\\ndef _minkowski_reduction_transform_matrix(S):\\n '''\\n Return a unimodular matrix u such that u^t * S * u is reduced in Minkowski's sense.\\n '''\\n b1, b2, b3 = identity_matrix(QQ, 3).columns()\\n c1, c2, c3 = _minkowski_reduction(b1, b2, b3, S)\\n return matrix([c1, c2, c3]).transpose()\\n\",\"line\":52,\"column\":41,\"path\":\"/home/sho/work/sage_packages/e8theta_degree3/\"}}" The file contains a multibyte string "∧" and anaconda-mode converts it to "\342\210\247". Sho Takemori 2016-07-31 23:31 GMT+09:00 Eli Zaretskii : > > From: Sho Takemori > > Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2016 17:26:37 +0900 > > > > I got an error "error in process sentinel: url-http-create-request: > Multibyte text in HTTP request" when I visited a > > Python file which contains a multibyte character with > `anaconda-eldoc-mode' turned on. > > That file name should have been encoded by the time it is passed to > url-http.el, so the problem should not have happened, because encoded > strings are unibyte strings. > > > At first, I thought this was a bug of anaconda-mode. So I opened an > issue in github > > ( > > > > I guess `(= (string-bytes request) (length request))` in > `url-http-create-request' should be `(= (string-bytes > > url-http-data) (length url-http-data))`, because `(= (string-bytes > request) (length request))` may be `nil' even if > > `(= (string-bytes url-http-data) (length url-http-data))` is `t'. > > I don't think I agree in general: all the strings that are used by > url-http-create-request should be unibyte strings. if they all are > unibyte strings, then I think the situation you describe should not > happen. However, you didn't provide enough details to analyze the > situation, so perhaps I'm missing something. Could you please show > all the details, specifically, what were the values of the various > variables used by url-http-create-request to generate the request? > For each value that is a string, please also tell whether it's a > unibyte or a multibyte string. > > Thanks. >