Reproduce steps:
1. init.el
(setq etags-regen-programĀ "C:/green/emacs/emacs-29.3/bin/etags.exe")
(require 'etags-regen)
2. Open test.c with the following code
3. M-x etags-regen-mode
4. Move the cursor to
APPLICATION_WINDOW_WIDTH and M-x xref-find-definitions. Then the TAGS file is created and
the APPLICATION_WINDOW_WIDTH line is highlighted (good).
5. M-x kill-buffer TAGS
6. Add `#define APPLICATION_WINDOW_HEIGHT 320` to
test.c and M-x save-buffer
Move the cursor to APPLICATION_WINDOW_HEIGHT and
M-x xref-find-definitions.
The expected behavior: The TAGS file is updated and
the APPLICATION_WINDOW_HEIGHT line is highlighted.
The actual behavior: The echo area reports: "No definition found for: APPLICATION_WINDOW_HEIGHT"
Note that if I don't do step-5 then everything is OK.
Emacs 29.3 has no this feature, I make it available via copy & paste etags-regen.el to load-path. I think this issue has nothing to do with the Emacs version though.
Best regards,
Siyuan Chen