Sorry about even mentioning such horrors as MS-365 and Chrome and Google WorkSpace and  Oauth2, but 
I HAVE to use them for work, unfortunately.
All I want is to be able to Send & Read Email with Emacs & MA-GNUS & Linux mailx / sendmail,
 that is all I am asking about .
MS-365's Outlook IMAP stopped working because it won't support OAuth2 , but its SMTP2 works with encrypted password & sendmail config patches ;
Neither Google's IMAP nor its SMTP2 work for non-WorkSpace accounts, for WorkSpace accounts, SMTP2 with password works until Sept 2024 -
this is what I am trying to handle.
I'd prefer to be able to continue reading & sending email with MA-GNUS & Emacs, but Google & MS-365 make it ever more difficult.
If I have to support Oauth2 in Emacs, then I'd like to use a single daemon and Oauth2 proxy for all of Emacs, Chrome, and Firefox,
all of which I MUST use , since only google-chrome-unstable allows me to ScreenShare with Teams and Firefox Developer Edition is
better for Outlook (doesn't crash) . I am investigating Keycloak , an open source Oauth2 server ... anyone got Emacs to use an Oauth2 Proxy ?
 Best Regards,

On Mon, 29 Jul 2024 at 05:53, Björn Bidar <> wrote:
Richard Stallman <> writes:

> [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
> [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
> [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
>       > Please could anyone recommend any good shared Ouath2 Daemon that
>       > all of Emacs MA-GNUS / IMAP + sendmail + firefox + chrome +
>       > Google/MS-365 SMTP2+Outh2 could use  ?
> Asking for advice about using Google services is off topic for
> emacs-devel.  Asking about support for nonfree programs such as Chrome
> is worse than merely off topic.

How is getting OAuth to work offtopic? You seem to overread that that
they were talking about getting OAuth to work and not just about Google
Authentication or similar.

Missing OAuth support has been an issue in other cases, e.g. using Gnus
for work or school. Many institutions restrict the use of their accounts
to OAuth or even use whitelists.

Also I want add that we seem to tolerate packages supporting for non-free services
in Elpa such as those supporting exchange, kinda a double standard.

