I found a solution. Quick: For some reason when opening a go file using go-mode, Emacs/eglot generates a "textDocument/didOpen" server message. Now the correct reaction of a LS upon such a message in a chase where the file actually did not change remains disputable: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/50267 https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/16623 However, the gopls-team considered a "chatty" behavior of the language server to be better anyhow. To always send diagnostics is now the default, yet not released as of gopls 1.10.1 https://github.com/golang/tools/commit/ec743893cd01c9423aaae4513b092c4c4c06f0f4 https://groups.google.com/g/golang-checkins/c/tt8Ig_UsKtE To use the yet unreleased feature from gopls@HEAD which works, follow https://github.com/golang/tools/blob/master/gopls/doc/advanced.md#unstable-versions This bug report may be closed, reported for reference. Am So., 11. Dez. 2022 um 13:45 Uhr schrieb Johann Höchtl < johann.hoechtl@gmail.com>: > I dug deeper into the problem: > > * When I open a very small golang-project, eglot interconnects correctly > with gopls > * When I open a larger golang-project, eglot fails to communicate with > gopls. In fact, it fails to direct gopls to load the project as gopls stays > at a very small memory footprint. > > When I uninstall go-mode OR find-file-literally *.go and later enable > eglot, gopls is correctly "directed" to load the project, because memory > consumption is much higher. In this case it also reports back to eglot > "loading packages" and "finished loading packages". > > Sidenote: However I cannot interact any further with the LS as eglot > doens't consider any buffer as managed: > > cl-no-applicable-method: No applicable method: eglot--managed-buffers, nil > eldoc error: (jsonrpc-error No current JSON-RPC connection > (jsonrpc-error-code . 32603) (jsonrpc-error-message . No current JSON-RPC > connection)) > mouse-minibuffer-check: Minibuffer window is not active > > but I guess this is because the buffer has no mode eglot considers to be > supported. > > Sidenote2: If I enable go-mode for this buffer (thus triggering > eglot-ensure in .emacs) , a second gopls process is spawned yet without > communication between eglot and gopls. >