My curiosity peaked recently with the thread on NaCl support for Emacs.  Not having a clue what NaCl was all about, I took to Google to find out more.  And if I read it right, it is all about having a HTML/Javascript/CSS wrapper around a C/C++ native code application running in the browser.  Very cool in its own right but simply awesome if that wrapped code happens to be Emacs.  The NaCl Support for Emacs discussion seems to be focused on security/library  (crypto) issues which tend to make my brain hurt so a new thread seems appropriate to discuss this notion of Emacs running in a Chrome tab.  For all I know the current NaCl thread might be a totally different NaCl thing than NativeClient.

I raised this issue last year (Emacs in the Cloud) but I don't recollect any mention of NativeClient at that time.  The notion of opening up a new machine, installing Chrome (if it is not already installed), heading off to the Chrome Web Store to get the latest NaCl version of Gnu Emacs, and then using an Emacs tab to edit files/run shells/install ELPA packages is very appealing to me.

Is anyone aware of technical "gotchas" that make this notion unrealizable by a mere mortal in just one lifetime?
