I'm having an issue where the fringe line continuation indicators are not showing in emacs 26.1 even when I have them set and visual line mode enabled (for org and elisp modes). When in an org mode buffer or scratch buffer [(List Interaction ElDoc Wrap)], I cannot see the indicators. However, if I open a buffer in plain, old text-mode, it does show them, as do the help buffers. Here is an image showing a wrapped line in the scratch buffer (no indicators) and others in the Help buffers (with indicators): You can see that the indicators in the fringe are in the help buffers [(Fundamental) or (Help Wrap)], but not in the scratch buffer. The version info is in the about buffer (GNU Emacs 26.1 (build 1, x86_64-apple-darwin14.5.0, NS appkit-1348.17 Version 10.10.5 (Build 14F2511)) of 2018-05-30). Note the line number in the scratch buffer (proof of visual line mode). You can also see my settings in the help buffers (global-visual-line-mode t, visual-line-fringe-indicators (left-curly-arrow right-curly-arrow)) This isn't just about org-mode (since the scratch buffer has this issue), so I thought perhaps this should go to the emacs mailing list. Any idea what I may be doing wrong here? Does anyone else get the proper behavior? Thanks! -- Matt