Hi emacs gurus,

[I accidentally posted this first to the main emacs forum, pardon my newbness.]

I've spent hours scouring the web trying to solve what should be a simple problem.  I appreciate any help! 

I want to replace a three-word phrase with an acronym.  Should be easy, right?  But of course I want to match across lines.  From what I read '\s-' should match line feeds, but it doesn't.  The closest I've gotten to matching across lines is using 'foo[\s-^J]+bar' (using ^Q to insert ^J literally), but for some reason that doesn't match 'foo bar' on the same line!  I'm out of ideas - what's going on?

I'm using GNU Emacs 23.3.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin, NS apple-appkit-1038.35).


