Hello comrades,

I made an adjustment (fix?) to the way SGML attributes are indented.

Previously, if one wrote a form like the following:

<element attribute="value">

He could break the attribute onto a new line and it would be indented like so:


But sgml-basic-offset defaults to 2, not 3, so it doesn't make much sense that
the attribute is indented by 3 spaces.

And if I (setq sgml-basic-offset 4), now my attributes are indented by 5
spaces. Personally I do not expect this behavior, I expect the indentation to

Perhaps it could be argued that the extra space helps to improve readability;
maybe so, but it still seems to contradict the offset value. In teams where many
people use editors that insert multiples of N spaces or tabs, this +1
indentation strategy feels rather alienating. I think it would be better to
stick to a multiple of the specified offset when an attribute is sitting on its
own line.

Hence the attached patch to remove the +1 indentation behavior.

Thanks for reviewing,