> [Again, please consider using plain-text, not HTML, in your messages.] I try to do that each time, e.g this message should be plain text. Tell me if it isn't. I reply from gmail and select "remove formatting". > > You make it sound like because naming is hard > > bad names are ok > > How did I make it sound like that to you? By systematically showing examples where it's impossible and always rejecting proposals. Also your tone while your say this kinda imply this is a futile endeavor. Maybe it's just me misintepretating tho. > If you look at the particular half-kidding examples > I showed, you might see that they're not screwball. > Nearly all of them are perfectly reasonable. And > that's the point of showing them. > > With a command such as `flush-lines', if we want to > prefix the name, just what is a good prefix? > > Is the command mostly about lines (the type of data > acted on), so perhaps use prefix `lines-'? > > Is it mostly about regexp-matching/searching, so > perhaps use prefix `re-'? > > Is it mostly about deleting text, so perhaps use > prefix `delete-' (as in one of its aliases)? First of all let's agree that nobody here proposed to rename flush-lines. Anyway, if we had to do it I think all your categories are weak IMHO, sure it touches the concept of lines, regexp and deleting but fundamentally it's about modifying buffers. If I had to name it it'd be: keep-lines -> buffer-keep-lines flush-lines -> buffer-flush-lines With more finesse I could argue for `buffer-modif-select` and `buffer-modif-reject` but I'd probably lose you ;-) Philippe