I sent this email to gnu.emacs.help but got no reply :-(

When it comes up with a back trace it notifies you of the
problematic line of code but doesn't tell you which line the
error comes from.

What I have to do with this is to put debugger checkpoints on
every second line of Elisp code.  At least that gives you the
location of the error message, by looking at the *Messages*
buffer you can see the last checkpoint before the debugger
was entered...

See the file at the following location for an example.
In this file debug lines are commented out like so
;;(message "#cream:[0-9]+:")


Executing the command in this file called dmp-padderise.el:
dmp-padderise--uncomment-hash-lines makes all the debug lines
visible to the Elisp system.  Executing the following command:
dmp-padderise--comment-hash-lines comments out the debug lines.

Is there a better way to hunt down error messages?

Could someone email me a hyperlink to a superior debugging