Where has some useful functionality gone? Consider the following code: (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'dmp-post-command-hook) (defun dmp-post-command-hook () (message "Hello")) When you are typing text into the minibuffer, some times some other code like dmp-post-command-hook displays the text "Hello" in the minibuffer so you can't see what text you are typing into the minibuffer and you have to wait about 5 seconds for the message to disappear, revealing the minibuffer of the code you were typing into the minibuffer. In a more up to date (I am using emacs-version 26.3) version of Emacs it displays the Hello message beside the minibuffer contents like this: Enter File/Folder to load: [Hello] so you can see the minibuffer at all times. Where has this cool feature gone? is the feature in later versions of emacs. I tried to install a later version of emacs but the sudo apt-get install emacs told me that my version is already the most up to date version.