This more of a feature request: make edebug stop when entering such a function _optionally_. Usecase: I want to debug certain function, but only when it takes specific execution route. I instrument the function, set a breakpoint where I want to debug it. But in addition to the breakpoint, edebug also pauses each time the function is entered and I see no way to disable it. In some cases this is a mere annoyance, in others it makes debugging impossible. For example, currently I want to debug 'auto-revert-handler' which somehow reverts buffer where both Auto Revert and Auto Revert Tail modes are disabled. However, I can never make Edebug stop on (message "Reverting buffer `%s'." (buffer-name))) line (though I see it _is_ executed, if only from the *Messages* buffer). It always stops at the beginning of the function instead. Paul