> From: Marco Antoniotti <marco.antoniotti@unimib.it>
> Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2024 10:40:03 +0100
> Cc: 69008@debbugs.gnu.org
> The code of my module is in the Github repo belo (sorry about the licensing, the format, being on Github,
> etc). I also attached the MacOS crash report. I hope it helps. Sorry, but I am just running Emacs and I really
> do not have the time to dig more into its guts.
> I get the .dylib and move it in the `load-path`. Doing M-x load-library crashes Emacs.
> Maybe I am just doing something very stupid. You tell me.
> https://github.com/marcoxa/platel
I think these two lines:
emacs_value def_is_be_args[] = {is_be_symbol, is_be_func};
emacs_value def_is_le_args[] = {is_le_symbol, is_le_func};
should be after the is_be/le_* variables have been assigned their
values, not before.