Thanks for the reply. 

Among all the noise about curved quotes, I missed out the discussion about text-quoting-style. I started paying attention to that only recently when Paul reverted curved quote stuff in the documentation.

I should have looked at NEWS; sorry about that.

I got my answer; I need to set text-quoting-style to 'straight.

For reference,

  (message "text-quoting-style = default")
  (let ((text-quoting-style))
    (message "'Hey'")
    (message "`Hey'"))
  (message "text-quoting-style = curve")
  (let ((text-quoting-style 'curve))
    (message "'Hey'")
    (message "`Hey'"))
  (message "text-quoting-style = straight")
  (let ((text-quoting-style 'straight))
    (message "'Hey'")
    (message "`Hey'"))
  (message "text-quoting-style = grave")
  (let ((text-quoting-style 'grave))
    (message "'Hey'")
    (message "`Hey'")))


text-quoting-style = default
text-quoting-style = curve
text-quoting-style = straight
'Hey' [2 times]
text-quoting-style = grave

Kaushal Modi

On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 5:32 PM, Glenn Morris <> wrote:

This has been discussed to death and is documented in NEWS.
I'm not sure what else there could be left to say.