I think you meant to prefix the comment chars on each line of the multi-line header, correct?

As for preference, I like (1)

    ;; Package-Requires: ((pkg-a "4.2.0")
    ;;                          (pkg-b "1.0") (pkg-c "2.0"))

In (2), it is not clear where the requires end.

Kaushal Modi

On Aug 10, 2015 7:12 AM, "Artur Malabarba" <bruce.connor.am@gmail.com> wrote:
I'd like to add support for multiline Package-Requires headers in
package.el. Does anyone have any preference over the following 2
possible formats?

1. Same as now, just allow it to span more than one line. E.g.:

        ;; Package-Requires: ((pkg-a "4.2.0")
                              (pkg-b "1.0") (pkg-c "2.0"))

2. Without parenthesis, with exactly one per line. E.g.:

        ;; Package-Requires: pkg-a "4.2.0"
                             pkg-b "1.0"
                             pkg-c "2.0"

Of course, the current way will still be supported. For reference,
here is the current method.

    ;; Package-Requires: ((pkg-a "4.2.0") (pkg-b "1.0") (pkg-c "2.0"))