On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 3:57 PM Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> wrote:

Why are you turning on both visual-line-mode and truncate-lines?
These are mutually exclusive: the former is for wrapping long
continued lines, the latter is for not continuing lines at all.

What am I missing?

Yes, I understand that. But they were both enabled by mistake.

- The visual line mode was enabled by default in org-mode-hook
- And I happened to have "# eval: (toggle-truncate-lines 1)" in the Local Variables footer in one of the Org files.

There were no signs of problem until C-a and C-e started misbehaving that way.

Should emacs do the "right thing" and auto-disable the other if one got enabled, or throw a warning?

This problem with C-a and C-e does not happen if skip this part in the test setup:

 (setq auto-hscroll-mode 'current-line)

- C-a works perfectly
- C-e does not jump instantly to the EOL, but progressively goes to the EOL on hitting C-e, and eventually gets there (interesting behavior).

So at least with the default value of auto-hscroll-mode, a user is not stuck wondering why C-a/C-e stopped working, even if they enabled visual-line-mode and toggle-truncate-lines simultaneously by mistake.

PS: I noticed that the email client or the debbugs server auto-inserted newlines in my test function.. I intend that insert form to insert a string without any inbetween newlines.. like this:

(insert (concat "\n\ndlkasdjf lkdkmnf kd aksdjkldj laksdjflkasdf "
                "aldksflakdjf alksdjldf lksdfjldkj lkjdfad "
                "falksdflj asldkfjlasdf fjlaksdjflkj asdf "
                "lasdkfalkds alsdfkj sdf lsdkfj sldkfjlksdjf "
                "asldkfjlksdjfowieur nxc"))

Kaushal Modi