On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 5:25 PM drymer <drymer@autistici.org> wrote:
I'll try the other approach if we can't make this work, because I like
it more x)
I've evaluated all of it, even re-opened emacs.

Uh, in my description of that function it doesn't say the same, it's the
regular one. I've executed toggle-debug-on-error and re-evaluated and
nothing. It seems that is not being evaluated.

That's very strange. One thing is good that now it makes sense why "C-u *" is inserting "****" in your emacs -Q session.. the advice isn't getting applied in the first place!

Now it is difficult to tell why that advice isn't getting applied in the first place. I wonder if the code is actually getting evaluated when you think that it is getting evaluated. Can you describe the steps you take to evaluate that code?

Here's one more try:

1. Download the attached modi-org-entity.el file 
2. Run emacs -Q -l /PATH/TO/modi-org-entity.el --eval "(org-mode)" & 
3. C-u * should then work as expected.

Make sure to replace "/PATH/TO/" above with the actual path where you downloaded modi-org-entity.el.

Kaushal Modi