I use the `revert-buffer' function frequently and after a recent rebuild of emacs from master after about a month, I noticed a big difference in its behavior.
When I change the read-onlyness of a file from the disk, M-x revert-buffer doesn't reflect that change any more. This is really important as I am working in a centralized VCS where the files have to be "checked out" i.e. make writable before I can modify them.
Now when the commands in the terminal check in and check out the file, the read-only/writable status doesn't update when I revert-buffer in Emacs.
*Earlier M-x revert-buffer always showed the correct read-only state. Now, I need to kill the buffer and reopen to see the correct status.*
Here's my Emacs devel version:
Emacs version: GNU Emacs 28.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.22.30, cairo version 1.15.12)
of 2021-07-26, built using commit 1ff02c53b5f21dfcaff1794f3eb2f42fb6160dae.