I evaluated the below after:

> gdb ./emacs
gdb> r -Q

(defmacro emacs-q-template (pkgs &rest body)
  "Install packages in PKGS list and evaluate BODY.

Example usage:

1. Launch 'emacs -Q'.
2. Copy this macro definition to its scratch buffer and evaluate it.
3. Evaluate a minimum working example using this macro as below:
     (emacs-q-template '(projectile)
       (projectile-global-mode)) "
  (declare (indent 1) (debug t))
     (require 'package)
     (setq package-user-dir (concat (getenv "HOME") "/.emacs.d/elpa_test/"))
     (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "http://melpa.org/packages/") t)

     (dolist (pkg ,pkgs)
       (package-install pkg)
       (require pkg))


(emacs-q-template '(projectile)
  (string-match-p "." nil))

Below is the backtrace at the point where I get the unexpected end-of-file error

(gdb) c
[New Thread 0x7fffec504700 (LWP 11972)]
[Thread 0x7fffec504700 (LWP 11972) exited]

Breakpoint 3, Fsignal (error_symbol=19104, data=0) at eval.c:1472
1472        = (NILP (error_symbol) ? Fcar (data) : error_symbol);
(gdb) p error_symbol
$15 = 19104
(gdb) xsymbol
$16 = (struct Lisp_Symbol *) 0xcae060 <lispsym+19104>
(gdb) bt
#0  Fsignal (error_symbol=19104, data=0) at eval.c:1472
#1  0x00000000005f4a06 in xsignal (error_symbol=19104, data=0) at eval.c:1578
#2  0x00000000005f4a33 in xsignal0 (error_symbol=19104) at eval.c:1587
#3  0x0000000000623284 in end_of_file_error () at lread.c:1738
#4  0x0000000000624dcd in read1 (readcharfun=57797668, pch=0x7fffffff353c, first_in_list=false) at lread.c:2553
#5  0x00000000006278e3 in read_list (flag=false, readcharfun=57797668) at lread.c:3659
#6  0x0000000000624dfc in read1 (readcharfun=57797668, pch=0x7fffffff38ac, first_in_list=false) at lread.c:2558
#7  0x00000000006241b0 in read0 (readcharfun=57797668) at lread.c:2139
#8  0x0000000000624112 in read_internal_start (stream=57797668, start=0, end=0) at lread.c:2112
#9  0x0000000000623fab in Fread_from_string (string=57797668, start=0, end=0) at lread.c:2075
#10 0x00000000005f7627 in Ffuncall (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffff3a28) at eval.c:2708
#11 0x000000000063df57 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=10617580, vector=10617613, maxdepth=34, args_template=0, nargs=0, args=0x0) at bytecode.c:880
#12 0x00000000005f817a in funcall_lambda (fun=10617485, nargs=2, arg_vector=0xa2030d <pure+1081741>) at eval.c:2929
#13 0x00000000005f783a in Ffuncall (nargs=3, args=0x7fffffff3f80) at eval.c:2750
#14 0x000000000063df57 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=40406500, vector=35307789, maxdepth=18, args_template=1030, nargs=1, args=0x7fffffff44c8) at bytecode.c:880
#15 0x00000000005f7e3e in funcall_lambda (fun=35307829, nargs=1, arg_vector=0x7fffffff44c0) at eval.c:2863
#16 0x00000000005f783a in Ffuncall (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffff44b8) at eval.c:2750
#17 0x000000000063df57 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=41942932, vector=35797685, maxdepth=66, args_template=1030, nargs=1, args=0x7fffffff4a78) at bytecode.c:880
#18 0x00000000005f7e3e in funcall_lambda (fun=26917541, nargs=1, arg_vector=0x7fffffff4a70) at eval.c:2863
#19 0x00000000005f783a in Ffuncall (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffff4a68) at eval.c:2750
#20 0x000000000063df57 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=32991236, vector=36233277, maxdepth=50, args_template=2058, nargs=2, args=0x7fffffff4fd0) at bytecode.c:880
#21 0x00000000005f7e3e in funcall_lambda (fun=36233437, nargs=2, arg_vector=0x7fffffff4fc0) at eval.c:2863
#22 0x00000000005f783a in Ffuncall (nargs=3, args=0x7fffffff4fb8) at eval.c:2750
#23 0x000000000063df57 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=29885572, vector=35430989, maxdepth=26, args_template=2054, nargs=1, args=0x7fffffff5508) at bytecode.c:880
#24 0x00000000005f7e3e in funcall_lambda (fun=35431157, nargs=1, arg_vector=0x7fffffff5500) at eval.c:2863
#25 0x00000000005f783a in Ffuncall (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffff54f8) at eval.c:2750
#26 0x000000000063df57 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=29509364, vector=35472261, maxdepth=34, args_template=1026, nargs=0, args=0x7fffffff5a50) at bytecode.c:880
#27 0x00000000005f7e3e in funcall_lambda (fun=37586485, nargs=0, arg_vector=0x7fffffff5a50) at eval.c:2863
#28 0x00000000005f783a in Ffuncall (nargs=1, args=0x7fffffff5a48) at eval.c:2750
#29 0x000000000063df57 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=29347988, vector=37183445, maxdepth=18, args_template=2, nargs=0, args=0x7fffffff6010) at bytecode.c:880
#30 0x00000000005f7e3e in funcall_lambda (fun=37183509, nargs=0, arg_vector=0x7fffffff6010) at eval.c:2863
#31 0x00000000005f783a in Ffuncall (nargs=1, args=0x7fffffff6008) at eval.c:2750
#32 0x00000000005f6a9b in funcall_nil (nargs=1, args=0x7fffffff6008) at eval.c:2340
#33 0x00000000005f6e9f in run_hook_with_args (nargs=1, args=0x7fffffff6008, funcall=0x5f6a78 <funcall_nil>) at eval.c:2517
#34 0x00000000005f6b22 in Frun_hook_with_args (nargs=1, args=0x7fffffff6008) at eval.c:2382
#35 0x00000000005f6efb in run_hook (hook=28871488) at eval.c:2530
#36 0x00000000005f6adf in Frun_hooks (nargs=1, args=0x7fffffff6118) at eval.c:2364
#37 0x00000000005f74ba in Ffuncall (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffff6110) at eval.c:2681
#38 0x000000000063df57 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=9658076, vector=9658109, maxdepth=22, args_template=514, nargs=1, args=0x7fffffff6640) at bytecode.c:880
#39 0x00000000005f7e3e in funcall_lambda (fun=9658029, nargs=1, arg_vector=0x7fffffff6640) at eval.c:2863
#40 0x00000000005f783a in Ffuncall (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffff6638) at eval.c:2750
#41 0x000000000063df57 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=26545060, vector=26696973, maxdepth=10, args_template=2, nargs=0, args=0x7fffffff6c50) at bytecode.c:880
#42 0x00000000005f7e3e in funcall_lambda (fun=26697125, nargs=0, arg_vector=0x7fffffff6c50) at eval.c:2863
#43 0x00000000005f783a in Ffuncall (nargs=1, args=0x7fffffff6c48) at eval.c:2750
#44 0x000000000063df57 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=26480452, vector=26654173, maxdepth=166, args_template=514, nargs=2, args=0x7fffffff71a8) at bytecode.c:880
#45 0x00000000005f7e3e in funcall_lambda (fun=26654805, nargs=2, arg_vector=0x7fffffff71a8) at eval.c:2863
#46 0x00000000005f783a in Ffuncall (nargs=3, args=0x7fffffff71a0) at eval.c:2750
#47 0x00000000005f6a41 in Fapply (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffff7270) at eval.c:2329
#48 0x00000000005f6f90 in apply1 (fn=16848, arg=56618787) at eval.c:2545
#49 0x00000000005f23b6 in call_debugger (arg=56618787) at eval.c:308
#50 0x00000000005f4e2b in maybe_call_debugger (conditions=9578427, sig=51984, data=56618835) at eval.c:1723
#51 0x00000000005f48dd in Fsignal (error_symbol=51984, data=56618835) at eval.c:1541
#52 0x00000000005f4a06 in xsignal (error_symbol=51984, data=56618835) at eval.c:1578
#53 0x00000000005f4a9a in xsignal2 (error_symbol=51984, arg1=44400, arg2=0) at eval.c:1599
#54 0x00000000005d7967 in wrong_type_argument (predicate=44400, value=0) at data.c:151
#55 0x000000000055388b in CHECK_STRING (x=0) at lisp.h:2807
#56 0x00000000005b2278 in string_match_1 (regexp=55505044, string=0, start=0, posix=false) at search.c:373
#57 0x00000000005b25e5 in Fstring_match (regexp=55505044, string=0, start=0) at search.c:444
#58 0x00000000005f7627 in Ffuncall (nargs=4, args=0x7fffffff75c0) at eval.c:2708
#59 0x000000000063df57 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=9684412, vector=9684445, maxdepth=30, args_template=3082, nargs=2, args=0x7fffffff7a40) at bytecode.c:880
#60 0x00000000005f7e3e in funcall_lambda (fun=9684365, nargs=2, arg_vector=0x7fffffff7a30) at eval.c:2863
#61 0x00000000005f7bca in apply_lambda (fun=9684365, args=55521603, count=15) at eval.c:2802
#62 0x00000000005f623e in eval_sub (form=55521587) at eval.c:2219
#63 0x00000000005f2647 in Fprogn (body=55521667) at eval.c:427
#64 0x00000000005f5c69 in eval_sub (form=55520739) at eval.c:2127
#65 0x00000000005f5786 in Feval (form=55520739, lexical=0) at eval.c:1996
#66 0x00000000005f75ec in Ffuncall (nargs=3, args=0x7fffffff7e28) at eval.c:2704
#67 0x000000000063df57 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=11219292, vector=11219325, maxdepth=22, args_template=1030, nargs=1, args=0x7fffffff8360) at bytecode.c:880
#68 0x00000000005f7e3e in funcall_lambda (fun=11219245, nargs=1, arg_vector=0x7fffffff8358) at eval.c:2863
#69 0x00000000005f783a in Ffuncall (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffff8350) at eval.c:2750
#70 0x000000000063df57 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=11220028, vector=11220061, maxdepth=18, args_template=1030, nargs=1, args=0x7fffffff8968) at bytecode.c:880
#71 0x00000000005f7e3e in funcall_lambda (fun=11219973, nargs=1, arg_vector=0x7fffffff8960) at eval.c:2863
#72 0x00000000005f783a in Ffuncall (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffff8958) at eval.c:2750
#73 0x00000000005ef8fc in Ffuncall_interactively (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffff8958) at callint.c:252
#74 0x00000000005f74ba in Ffuncall (nargs=3, args=0x7fffffff8950) at eval.c:2681
#75 0x00000000005f1c82 in Fcall_interactively (function=4203120, record_flag=0, keys=13589173) at callint.c:840
#76 0x00000000005f7627 in Ffuncall (nargs=4, args=0x7fffffff8c78) at eval.c:2708
#77 0x000000000063df57 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=10517116, vector=10517149, maxdepth=54, args_template=4102, nargs=1, args=0x7fffffff91d0) at bytecode.c:880
#78 0x00000000005f7e3e in funcall_lambda (fun=10517069, nargs=1, arg_vector=0x7fffffff91c8) at eval.c:2863
#79 0x00000000005f783a in Ffuncall (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffff91c0) at eval.c:2750
#80 0x00000000005f6fe2 in call1 (fn=15072, arg1=4203120) at eval.c:2560
#81 0x000000000055b646 in command_loop_1 () at keyboard.c:1479
#82 0x00000000005f424a in internal_condition_case (bfun=0x55ae8d <command_loop_1>, handlers=19392, hfun=0x55a677 <cmd_error>) at eval.c:1310
#83 0x000000000055ab95 in command_loop_2 (ignore=0) at keyboard.c:1107
#84 0x00000000005f3b6a in internal_catch (tag=46560, func=0x55ab6c <command_loop_2>, arg=0) at eval.c:1075
#85 0x000000000055ab35 in command_loop () at keyboard.c:1086
#86 0x000000000055a246 in recursive_edit_1 () at keyboard.c:692
#87 0x000000000055a3d9 in Frecursive_edit () at keyboard.c:763
#88 0x000000000055825a in main (argc=2, argv=0x7fffffff9688) at emacs.c:1656

Lisp Backtrace:
"read-from-string" (0xffff3a30)
"help-function-arglist" (0xffff3f88)
"ad-arglist" (0xffff44c0)
"ad-make-advised-definition" (0xffff4a70)
"ad-activate-advised-definition" (0xffff4fc0)
"ad-activate" (0xffff5500)
"projectile-mode" (0xffff5a50)
"projectile-global-mode-enable-in-buffers" (0xffff6010)
"run-hooks" (0xffff6118)
"run-mode-hooks" (0xffff6640)
"debugger-mode" (0xffff6c50)
"debug" (0xffff71a8)
"string-match" (0xffff75c8)
"string-match-p" (0xffff7a30)
"progn" (0xffff7c70)
"eval" (0xffff7e30)
"elisp--eval-last-sexp" (0xffff8358)
"eval-last-sexp" (0xffff8960)
"funcall-interactively" (0xffff8958)
"call-interactively" (0xffff8c80)
"command-execute" (0xffff91c8)

Kaushal Modi