Emacs 24.4 W32/W64 I'm trying to run Clozure Common Lisp under Emacs / Slime. Slime lauches CCL and starts the Swank server. When the process is started by Emacs, I get an error with this backtrace : ? ;Loading #P"c:/Home/.emacs.d/vendor/slime/swank-loader.lisp"... > Error: Le fournisseur de services demandé n’a pas pu être chargé ou initialisé. (error #10106) during socket creation operation in socket > While executing: SOCKET-ERROR, in process listener(1). > Type :POP to abort, :R for a list of available restarts. > Type :? for other options. 1 > :b (223996E8) : 0 (SOCKET-ERROR NIL "socket" 10106 NIL) 1133 (22399750) : 1 (MAKE-TCP-SOCKET :CONNECT :PASSIVE :LOCAL-PORT 0 :LOCAL-HOST "" :REUSE-ADDRESS T :BACKLOG 5) 429 (223997D8) : 2 (MAKE-SOCKET :CONNECT :PASSIVE :LOCAL-PORT 0 :LOCAL-HOST "" :REUSE-ADDRESS T :BACKLOG 5) 965 The same thing works if I run OpenCL from the console. How the fact that the process is run from Emacs could result in an error from make-tcp-socket ? Conflict with the winsock2 dll which is loaded by both process ? I have tried many combinations of CCL and emacs : - Emacs 24.4 32 bits (GNU version) - Emacs 24.4 64 bits (my version) - OpenCL 64 bits (official 1.10 version) - OpenCL 64 bits (compiled by me with the same toolchain used to compile Emacs) - OpenCL 32 bits I couldn't find a working version. Any idea on how to hunt this ? Best regards, -- Fabrice