Semantic helper for text compose.

 Semantic  helper for text compose  allows users to write text using our prediction semantic write algorithm. The helper works together with any standard editors including Emacs.

The helper gives word suggestions extracted from a corpus of English sentences, in the case when an user faced difficult to typing  a word in composing text. The algorithm gives some alternative options which are not connected with alphabetic writing, but more to semantic meaning (concept) of the words suitable for the user’s context. This system will be useful for an user having non-English mother language.

Our potential users are students ( creating home tasks), writers (creating manuscripts), scientists  (creating reports, reviews ) and so on. The helper can be applied  on PC ( with great screen) but not on mobile devices.

We made a working prototype.


1. Demo-version of my project is not advertising thing. It is an active model with constant parameters. Now I am looking for a partner for transformation the model into output product (application) together with me. Below I’ll describe the version  shortly. You can see the demo, opening my files. (I 'll sent them in the following mail)  

2. Description

2.0 In the begging audio-guide told general information of the project.  

2.1  An user opened editor ‘ Notepad’. ( We can replace your editor ‘ Emacs’ instant of ‘Notepad’) The user typed a part of the sentence and  faced difficult to typing  a next  word in composing text.

 I've always wanted to try and do something like …

2.2 He asks the system to help.

2.3 The system defines three last word - do something like

2.4 The system opens Web site BNC ( British national corpus of sentences ) and search  all sentences contain these words (as key words )  

2.5 After that system defines the words following  do something like

2.6 The system creates  the frequency dictionary of recommended words following 'like'

 Here is the frequency dictionary of recommended words following 'like' and displays it on the screen.


"that': 45,"

" 'this': 17,"

>>>" 'erm': 2,"

>>>" 'a': 1,"

>>>" 'what': 1,"

>>>" 'six': 1,"

>>>" 'give': 1,"

>>>" 'thirty': 1,"

>>>" 'for': 1,"

>>>" 'peeling': 1,"

>>>" 'cheaper_AJC': 1,"

>>>" 'sewing': 1,"

>>>" 'it': 1,"

>>>" 'seven': 1,"

>>>" 'three': 1,"

>>>" 'two': 1,"

>>>" 'the': 1,"

>>>" 'save': 1,"

>>>" 'splits': 1,"

>>>" 'throw': 1,"


2.7 The user selects need word and type it in the editor.


Fragments of data bases of English sentences ( from BNC) 


1 A6V 614 I would attempt to <<< do something like >>> peeling potatoes with one of those footknives . I_PNP would_VM0 attempt_VVI to_TO0 <<< do_VDI something_PNI like_PRP >>> peeling_VVG-NN1 potatoes_NN2 with_PRP one_CRD of_PRF those_DT0 footknives_NN2 ._PUN ""&HYPERLINK ""qname=nosolHYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""refnum=0HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""theData=0HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""len=0HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""showTheTag=0HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""color=0HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""begin=614HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""spids=1HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""interval=11HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""first=yesHYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""urlTest=yes 3621771 3621773

2 ABL 814 In fact the whole scene of bare common and compact streets looked hopelessly inadequate for two sexes of a race that had produced Byron 's poetry and might again <<< do something like >>> it . In_PRP fact_NN1 the_AT0 whole_AJ0 scene_NN1 of_PRF bare_AJ0 common_AJ0 and_CJC compact_AJ0 streets_NN2 looked_VVD-VVN hopelessly_AV0 inadequate_AJ0 for_PRP two_CRD sexes_NN2 of_PRF a_AT0 race_NN1 that_CJT had_VHD produced_VVN Byron_NP0 's_POS poetry_NN1 and_CJC might_VM0 again_AV0 <<< do_VDI something_PNI like_PRP >>> it_PNP ._PUN ""&HYPERLINK ""qname=nosolHYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""refnum=0HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""theData=0HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""len=0HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""showTheTag=0HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""color=0HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""begin=814HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""spids=1HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""interval=11HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""first=yesHYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""urlTest=yes 6270726 6270728

3. How to open me attach files.

3.1 Open empty folder.

3.2 Unzip of my files.

3.3 Save all files into empty folder.

3.4 Click on        delir-general-do-something-like.exe


Regards Boris Pevzner 

On 24 May 2017 at 21:06, Glenn Morris <> wrote:

It sounds to me like you might be advertising a proprietary service?
If you are, we're not interested, thanks.
If not, please indicate where your source code can be found, and outline
how you propose using it with Emacs. At the moment you haven't given any
details at all.
Thanks in advance.