To follow up on [1], I implemented some commands to demonstrate my idea for editing Lisp.

The motivating idea is this: When reading Lisp, I find I pay attention to open parens (because foo is not (foo) is not ((foo))) and just the close parens whose opener is on the same line. When a sexp spans more than one line, I deduce the close paren from indentation. If that's how we read Lisp, then why not edit Lisp that way: change the indentation and let the close parens adjust themselves to be consistent.

This would create an editing experience somewhat like python-mode. There are differences because lisp-mode knows a bit more due to existing parens.

In the code to follow, I need to address the TODO items as well as your welcome feedback at this stage.

To try it out on some Lisp code:
  M-x lisp-indent-adjust-sexps
  M-x lisp-dedent-adjust-sexps


(defun last-sexp-with-relative-depth (from-pos to-pos rel-depth)
  "Parsing sexps from FROM-POS (inclusive) to TO-POS (exclusive),
return the position of the last sexp that had depth REL-DEPTH relative
to FROM-POS. Returns nil if REL-DEPTH is not reached.

  Region:   a (b c (d)) e (f g (h i)) j

  Evaluate: (last-sexp-with-relative-depth pos-a (1+ pos-j) 0)
  Returns:  position of j

  Evaluate: (last-sexp-with-relative-depth pos-a (1+ pos-j) -1)
  Returns:  position of (h i)

This function assumes FROM-POS is not in a string or comment."
    (goto-char from-pos)
    (let (the-last-pos
          (parse-state '(0 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)))
      (while (< (point) to-pos)
        (setq parse-state
              (parse-partial-sexp (point)
                                  t ; Stop before sexp
        (and (not (eq (point) to-pos))
             (eq (car parse-state) rel-depth)
             (setq the-last-pos (point)))
        ;; The previous parse may not advance. To advance and maintain
        ;; correctness of depth, we parse over the next char.
        (setq parse-state
              (parse-partial-sexp (point)
                                  (1+ (point))

(defun adjust-close-paren-for-indent (num-close-parens)
  "Adjust NUM-CLOSE-PARENS number of close parentheses of a sexp so as
lisp-indent-adjust-sexps can indent that many levels.

 [TODO: Reword paragraph when num-close-parens implemented.]
If a close paren was moved, returns a two element list of positions:
where the close paren was moved from and the position following where
it moved to. This allows the caller to know what region potentially
needs reindentation.

If no close parens were moved, returns nil."
    (let ((deleted-paren-pos
             ;; If the sexp at point is a list,
             ;; delete its closing paren
             (when (eq (scan-lists (point) 1 0)
                       (scan-sexps (point) 1))
               (delete-char -1)
      (when deleted-paren-pos
        (let ((sexp-to-close
               (last-sexp-with-relative-depth (point)
                                              (progn (end-of-line)
          (when sexp-to-close
            (goto-char sexp-to-close)
          ;; Note: when no sexp-to-close found, line is empty. So put
          ;; close paren after point.
          (insert ")")
          (list deleted-paren-pos (point)))))))

;; TODO: When the code settles, consider consolidating with
;; adjust-close-paren-for-indent
(defun adjust-close-paren-for-dedent (num-close-parens)
    (let ((deleted-paren-pos
             (when (< (point)
                      (progn (up-list)
               (delete-char -1)
      (when deleted-paren-pos
        (let ((sexp-to-close
          (when sexp-to-close
            (goto-char sexp-to-close)
          ;; Note: when no sexp-to-close found, line is empty. So put
          ;; close paren after point.
          (insert ")")
          ;; The insertion makes deleted-paren-pos off by 1
          (list (1+ deleted-paren-pos)

;; TODO: Look into how to hook into indent-for-tab-command
;; TODO: Take a region interactively: Example of expected region
;; behavior ({} indicates region boundaries)
;;     (let ((x 10) (y (some-func 20)))
;; {     (a 1)
;;       (b 2))}
;; becomes:
;;     (let ((x 10) (y (some-func 20))
;;           (a 1)
;;           (b 2)))
;; TODO: Process the prefix arg: indent that many levels, negative to
;; mean dedent
;; TODO: Write tests
(defun lisp-indent-adjust-sexps (&optional prefix-arg)
  "Indent Lisp code to the next level while adjusting sexp balanced
expressions to be consistent.

Not intended for assignment to the indent-line-function variable. "
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((orig-pos (point)))
    (if (> orig-pos (point))
        ;; Effectively don't do anything so as to not obstruct TAB
        ;; completion
        (goto-char orig-pos)
      (let ((close-paren-movement
             (adjust-close-paren-for-indent prefix-arg)))
        (when close-paren-movement
          (apply 'indent-region close-paren-movement)
          ;; Like indent-for-tab-command, this command will leave
          ;; point at "back to indentation". This call is necessary
          ;; because indent-region's save-excursion marker can get
          ;; moved to the beginning of line due to how the indentation
          ;; whitespace is inserted.

;; TODO: Investigate how to invoke this with DEL key and get old DEL
;; behavior when not dedenting (ie not in the indentation). Introduce
;; a dedent-for-del-command?
;; Note: Dedent will not take a region because:
;;   - Don't want to conflict with delete-selection-mode
;;   - Doesn't need it as much as indent with TAB does
;; TODO: Fix duplication when the code settles more
(defun lisp-dedent-adjust-sexps (&optional prefix-arg)
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((orig-pos (point)))
    (if (> orig-pos (point))
        ;; Effectively don't do anything, hope to allow ordinary DEL
        (goto-char orig-pos)
      (let ((close-paren-movement
             (adjust-close-paren-for-dedent prefix-arg)))
        (when close-paren-movement
          (apply 'indent-region (nreverse close-paren-movement))