I'm playing with the tutorial for babel-gnuplot , however I keep getting this upon C-c C-c: #+begin_src gnuplot :exports code :file images/test1.png reset set title "Putting it All Together" set xlabel "X" set xrange [-8:8] set xtics -8,2,8 set ylabel "Y" set yrange [-2:70] set ytics -20,10,70 f(x) = x**2 g(x) = x**3 h(x) = 10*sqrt(abs(x)) plot f(x) w lp lw 1, g(x) w p lw 2, h(x) w l lw 3 #+end_src #+RESULTS: [[file:images/test1.png]] Many different :results attempts keep giving me #+RESULTS: [[file:images/test1.png]] . . . which doesn't export to HTML. Of course removing #+RESULTS: and the image displays. How can I get results without the #+RESULTS: label above, which HTML export doesn't like? LB