No Mongolian option in input-method. I'm reporting since someone has suggested me on a forum. link: My current method of writing in Mongolian is the following add to init.el. I'd really like to have native Mongolian input support in Emacs, Thanks. Garid. (quail-define-package "Mongolian-trans" "Mg-trans" "S>" t "Input method for Mongolian transcription." nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t) (quail-define-rules ;; keys (without shift) ("q" ?ф) ("w" ?ц) ("e" ?у) ("r" ?ж) ("t" ?э) ("y" ?н) ("u" ?г) ("i" ?ш) ("o" ?ү) ("p" ?з) ("[" ?к) ("]" ?ъ) ("a" ?й) ("s" ?ы) ("d" ?б) ("f" ?ө) ("g" ?а) ("h" ?х) ("j" ?р) ("k" ?о) ("l" ?л) (";" ?д) ("'" ?п) ("z" ?я) ("x" ?ч) ("c" ?ё) ("v" ?с) ("b" ?м) ("n" ?и) ("m" ?т) ("," ?ь) ("." ?в) ("/" ?ю) ;; keys (with shift) ("Q" ?ф) ("W" ?Ц) ("E" ?У) ("R" ?Ж) ("T" ?Э) ("Y" ?Н) ("U" ?Г) ("I" ?Ш) ("O" ?Ү) ("P" ?З) ("{" ?К) ("}" ?Ъ) ("A" ?Й) ("S" ?Ы) ("D" ?Б) ("F" ?Ө) ("G" ?А) ("H" ?Х) ("J" ?Р) ("K" ?О) ("L" ?Л) (":" ?Д) ("\"" ?П) ("Z" ?Я) ("X" ?Ч) ("C" ?Ё) ("V" ?С) ("B" ?М) ("N" ?И) ("M" ?Т) ("<" ?Ь) (">" ?В) ("?" ?Ю) ;; numbers keys (without shift) ("1" ?№) ("2" ?-) ("3" ?\") ("4" ?₮) ("5" ?:) ("6" ?.) ("7" ?_) ("8" ?,) ("9" ?%) ("0" ??) ("-" ?е) ("=" ?щ) ;; numbers keys (with shift) ("!" ?1) ("@" ?2) ("#" ?3) ("$" ?4) ("%" ?5) ("^" ?6) ("&" ?7) ("*" ?8) ("(" ?9) (")" ?0) ("_" ?Е) ("+" ?Щ) )