On 23 February 2016 at 02:01, Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org> wrote:

  > But you are Danish, are you not? As such, I would have thought that when
  > you search for ø, you would want to find a Swedish ö? (this is the inverse
  > of the natural Swedish behaviour).

Elias and Lars, what do you two think searching for o should match?
Should it match ö and ø, or not?

I can only speak for Swedish, and there, a search for o definitely should not match ö (nor ø). This is the crux of this entire discussion, at least for me.

However, a search for ö should match ø.
IF you want o not to match ö and ø, then you want ö and ø to be a
class by themselves.

One way to handle each class is the asymnetric way: searching for the base
character matches all of them, but searching for one of the other character
matches only itself.

In Swedish, ö could be the base character and ø a variant.
In Danish, ø could be the base character and ö the variant.

Would each of you be happy with that mode?

This is exactly in line with what I have been proposing.
