On 30 December 2016 at 02:16, Drew Adams <drew.adams@oracle.com> wrote:
>  (define-key search-map "o"    'occur)
> +(define-key search-map "b"    'occur-backward)
> +(define-key search-map "f"    'occur-forward)

FWIW, I don't think those keys (`M-s b' and `M-s f') should be
bound to those commands.  If we want to bind the new commands
during Isearch then I suggest that the occur commands be grouped
on prefix key `M-s o':

  M-s oo   occur
  M-s ob   occur-backward
  M-s of   occur-backward

While reading this thread, I realised that I never use the extra keybindings that are available during isearch. As the good Emacs user that I claim to be, I decided to check what bindings are available.

Thus, I typed ‘C-s M-s ?

At this point, I expected to get documentation for the keybindings for the prefix M-s but instead I was presented with a list of “Global Bindings Starting With M-s:”

Why did that happen? I would call this a bug, but does others agree?
