On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 3:36 PM, Peter Neilson <neilson@windstream.net> wrote:
1. Non-video presentations for beginners. Some of us are (for one reason or another) badly set up to use video. Perhaps our network connection is slow, or our system is flaky and crashes with video. Or perhaps we only have five or ten minutes at a time to study. Or perhaps we are mostly trying to learn from hard copy we've printed out. A few of us might even be blind.

Any chance of an MP4 version of Carsten's Google Tech talk being
produced and uploaded to a public place, with a wget-able URL? It
would be trivial to add to this tutorial - or to some other - the code
to download it and to make mplayer play it from given positions...

and integrating into Org the feature described there - namely: with a
certain minor mode activated `M-p' opens the current default video at
the first time offset of the current line - should be little more than
a 10-line hack...

Btw, that would make indices of time offsets in videos like the one in

trivial to execute. I don't have (yet) the skills to make things like
=1:23= become active links that do that in Org, though.

  Eduardo Ochs
  edrx at freenode.org (at #eev, #org-mode, etc)