I am using trunk, but these variables don't exist.

ELISP> (emacs-version)
"GNU Emacs (i386-apple-darwin12.3.0, NS apple-appkit-1187.37)\n of 2013-04-10 on Stevens-Mac-Pro.local"


On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 8:39 AM, Jambunathan K <kjambunathan@gmail.com> wrote:
Le Wang <l26wang@gmail.com> writes:

> I use highlight symbols to highlight same symbols, and jump between
> them. It chooses rainbow colors automatically and makes it much easier
> to follow some key variables through a block of code.
> My fork https://github.com/lewang/highlight-symbol.el allows you to
> use arbitrary region as a "symbol".

If you are using Emacs from Bzr, then `highlight-symbol' is no longer

C-h v hi-lock-auto-select-face
C-h v hi-lock-read-regexp-defaults-function

You may want to file a bug report if some feature is missing.