First of all those keys are stolen by paredit. Second of all the UI for this seems like overkill compared to highlight-symbol.el. It doesn't need its own window, it just should highlight matches in the current window and allow me to jump between them easily. But knowing emacs, there's probably some variable to disable opening a new window with the search results. And finally, it doesn't seem to highlight the matches in the buffer. -Steven On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 8:42 AM, Jambunathan K wrote: > Steven Degutis writes: > > > Often times I find that I want to jump to another occurrence of the > > word-under-point, almost always variables or functions. I end up going > > to the beginning of the word with M-b, doing isearch-forward with C-s, > > adding all the words until the full word is the search term with C-w a > > bunch of times, and finally C-s to jump around to other instances of > > it. > > If you are using Emacs from bzr, configure the variable below to run > occur for symbol at point. > > C-h v occur-read-regexp-defaults-function > > > Then jump around with > > M-s o > M-g M-n > M-g M-n > M-g M-p > > or look at occur before and jump directly to the needed location. > > > > > Is there a better way to do this? > > > > -Steven >