1) Oops, that was due to a half-finished copy/paste.

2) That's just the default mapping on Mac OS X; a friend recommended that I do (setq ns-command-modifier 'meta ns-alternate-modifier 'super ns-function-modifier  'hyper) which I've been trying out for about 20 minutes now, and it seems easier on my fingers already.

3) That's already bound by default on Mac OS X.

Thanks :)


On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 7:45 AM, Kevin Montuori <montuori@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> "SD" == Steven Degutis <sbdegutis@gmail.com> writes:

    SD> This is more minimal than emacs-starter-kit and prelude. It's
    SD> intentionally meant really to just be a skeleton with just a few
    SD> defaults, and with the readme functioning as a comprehensive
    SD> reference.

Hi.  A few comments:

  - C-h t (not C-x h) starts the tutorial; C-x h runs mark-whole buffer.

  - Personally, I find the choice of mapping meta to alt/option and cmd
    to super odd; cmd is the easier key to hit and meta's used way more
    often.  Perhaps though I've been doing it that way for too long.

  - I'd consider binding M-` to other-frame (C-x 5 o), since that's how
    other OS X apps work.

Nice you took the time to put all that together, it seems like a lot of


  Kevin Montuori