Hello Ian,

I just read the docs and I like it so far. There are three things I’d mention:

• Some finders have missing documentation (although their names are pretty straightforward)
• Why the “new language”, why can’t it be lisp, or at least more lispish?
• You gave us a possibility to create naming clashes between targets, finders, etc. For example, I might want to file a note when a file of a project changes, so I use your file target, and create the file action. How will Edna know when to use which?

Hope I helped. I’ll give Edna a shot on Monday and probably get back with some results.


On Sat, Apr 22, 2017, 04:33 Ian Dunn <dunni@gnu.org> wrote:

I've been working on something akin to org-depend.el called org-edna.
Basically, Edna provides an extensible means of specifying blocking
conditions and trigger actions.

For example, Edna allows you to specify that a task should be blocked
until all TODOs have been addressed in source code:

Or schedule the following task for an hour after the current task is

The (semi-complete) documentation is here:

I'd appreciate some feedback on it, whether the code or the

Ian Dunn