As far as I could say. The namazu server is not working properly. The
indexation is not up to date. Last time I Checked (last year). It was
nearly behind 3 months.

Ah okay, I am often searching for more recent threads indeed.
So good to know!

Thanks! Very informative...

On Tue, 8 Mar 2022 at 16:57, andrés ramírez <> wrote:
Hi. Dalanicolai.

>>>>> "dalanicolai" == dalanicolai  <> writes:


    dalanicolai> Effectively, I am usually unable to find relevant threads using the search
    dalanicolai> functionality

As far as I could say. The namazu server is not working properly. The
indexation is not up to date. Last time I Checked (last year). It was
nearly behind 3 months.

So. I think You could search something from the last year with more
success ratio. But YMMV.


Best Regards