A neat little feature that as far as I can tell is only available in Doom
Emacs is the ability to link to specific labeled lines from different org
files. So for instance when I use org-roam I can in an org file with ID foo
label a block of code with #+name: my_code and then from a different org
file write a link like [[foo::my_code][Some code]] and have it refer back
to the exact line in the first file.

I have several questions:

1. Is this feature indeed specific to Doom Emacs? Looking at the code that
gets called it seems there were modifications in Doom to org-id that allow
appending a name to an org ID using double colons in this way. I’ve asked
in a number of other forums and no one has been able to replicate this
outside Doom.
2. If this behavior isn’t in org mode, could it be added?
3. Connected to this: if I export an org file containing an ordinary link
to another node to PDF, the PDF compiles and I get a dead link in the file.
If one tries to export org files with these double colon links there's an
error message `Unable to resolve ID "foo::myname"`. Is there a way to
generate the PDF just like in the first case?
