I did some brute force bug tracking and manage to track down the problem.

I made two different files:
#+TITLE:     Test 1
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil

* Header 1
* Header 2
** Subheader 2.1

#+TITLE:     Test 1
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil

* Header 1
* Header 2
** Subheader 2.1

In the first example i have the header with #+INFOJS_OPT:
empty, the other file lacks this line. The first file generates a toc while the other doesn't.

I manage to track down the variable org-html-infojs-opts-table
which has the
Value: ((path PATH "http://orgmode.org/org-info.js")
 (view VIEW "info")
 (toc TOC :with-toc)
 (ftoc FIXED_TOC "0")
 (tdepth TOC_DEPTH "max")
 (sdepth SECTION_DEPTH "max")
 (mouse MOUSE_HINT "underline")
 (buttons VIEW_BUTTONS "0")
 (ltoc LOCAL_TOC "1")
 (up LINK_UP :html-link-up)
 (home LINK_HOME :html-link-home))

It seems to me as a novice that the :with-toc is defined here and forces a table of contents to be displayed. Not sure if this is correct but at least it solved my problem.

The toc option is not inserted in the reveal export template and now after testing it it looks like
#+INFOJS_OPT: toc:nil
also could have been used. The tutorial I looked at did not do it this way so I over looked it.
