On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 12:54 AM Ken Mankoff <mankoff@gmail.com> wrote:

On 2019-09-25 at 01:07 +02, Tim Cross <theophilusx@gmail.com> wrote...
> I just put :tangle no in the block header e.g.
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
> #+end_src


* COMMENT Section
# not exported because of COMMENT


Wow - sorry guys but this is really hard to understand - also I found that the following code will
mess up my config - all of my *other* code blocks are *not* "tangled" and the only code
block which is "tangled" is the one which I issue :tangle yes fo.

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle yes
(some emacs lisp here)

The documentation is really vague here and I did not expect it.  I mean, I set :tangle no according to
Tim Cross, and that's fine - the code is not tangled.  Then I change it to :tangle yes and then it's the 
*only* block which is tangled?  How could I get that from the docs here?


I'll propose a change to the docs and submit it - I just want to know if I'm misunderstanding something
about the docs or if others find that the docs could use some rephrasing (suggestions welcome).
