I just checked and it still supports --HEAD as an option. The other options do seem to be gone, but it looks like it builds with --with-cocoa --with-modules --with-libsvg, though it would be necessary to look at the details of the recipe to confirm. I would expect it is built with the same options as the binary cask version. 

On Wed, 24 Feb 2021 at 10:10, Matt Armstrong <matt@rfc20.org> wrote:
Tim Cross <theophilusx@gmail.com> writes:

> If you go with the vanilla emacs homebrew recipe, you can add a command
> line option to have it build from the current repo HEAD. This is not a
> bad option if you want to run latest bleeding edge. I don't tend to do
> that because I prefer the stability of a released version when on the
> mac.

Just a FYI, as of two years ago it appears that Homebrew's vanilla emacs
formula hard codes --without-ns and does not support --HEAD.  See



Tim Cross