I'm trying to get a sidebar when exporting an org file to HTML and I'm stuck with getting my verbatim html into a separate div. The produced html should look like this

<div id="content">
   ... outlines ...

<div id="sidebar">


It doesn't matter to me if the sidebar div is before or after the content div but it shouldn't be a child of it.

Placing the verbatim HTML after any part of subtree won't work as the html will become part of this outline div.
Placing the verbatim HTML before the first top level node won't work either, the div will be part of the content div.

I currently work around this with the :html-postamble and add css for the postamble div but this is rather ugly and put parts of my document into the my org-mode configuration.

Another options seems to set the postamble on a per file level but I have no idea how to do that.

Is that a missing feature or am I overseeing anything?
