As far as I can see the problem is in Debian fontconfig priorities/rules? On more-or-less fresh system I get: pent@sol:~$ fc-match monospace:lang=ru_RU n022003l.pfb: "Nimbus Mono L" "Regular" After installing Liberation I get: pent@sol:~$ fc-match monospace:lang=ru_RU DejaVuSansMono.ttf: "DejaVu Sans Mono" "Book" It seems really strange that Numbus got higher than say FreeMono which is system default. I'm not sure I can even submit a helpful bug report as I have very weak understanding about how fontconfig is supposed to work :-/ Anyway, Emacs "must be above suspicion". Best wishes, Andrey Paramonov 2012/12/21 Peter Dyballa > > Am 20.12.2012 um 22:19 schrieb > > > The behavior I was observing seems bizarre (and Liberation is not in > Debian default install), but I'm not sure now whether it qualifies as bug. > > This looks more like an user option… (or an a bit too Latin centric > system, worth to report as feedback) > > -- > Greetings > > Pete > > There are very few jobs that actually require a penis or vagina. All other > jobs should be open to everybody. > – Florynce Kennedy > >