Yes, thank you so much for your help! Ok, so I am assuming to be completely new at Emacs. Based on the Windows Download instructions, but also OSX, I can´t really tell what to do. Following what the website says, it appears I can either download a zip file from a mirror, or get MSYS2 in order to download it that way. It seemed that MSYS2 was a better approach because downloading it gives me a bunch of files I have no idea what to do with. So once I have gotten MSYS2 (a link would be helpful!), I enter the command and see that it has downloaded. But what's next? Perhaps it would be useful to have a link to the next steps to getting emacs running. I type in ´emacs´ and it is unrecognized. Do you feel me on what I am getting at?
Thanks for your patience and attentiveness!

On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 3:42 PM Nicolas Petton <> wrote:
Jay Walker <> writes:

Hi Jay,

> I followed your download instructions and found they are so lacking, please
> update!

Which download instructions are you talking about?  Was it the
instructions for Windows installation found on the Emacs website?

Jay Walker Paz
O: 612-424-6735