On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 10:51 AM, Peter Dyballa <Peter_Dyballa@web.de> wrote:

Am 17.07.2012 um 01:23 schrieb Dan Maftei:

> Yeah, I wasn't sure how to interpret that. It is indeed ASCII 0x6e but what
> to make of 'Composed with the following character(s) "~"'?

It obviously reports that you tried to compose ñ, which failed. So you have the combining accent character and the n character side by side. How did you try to compose?

I'm not convinced mine has failed. For one, the diacritic and root character are not side-by-side. Perhaps I'm wrong, but if they were truly side-by-side, wouldn't I be able to put point on either the accent or the root character? 

Here's how to make ñ compositionally:

n C-x 8 <RET> 0303 <RET>

Could you run describe-char on a compositional character and post the results? I want to see how it differs from my output. (Presuming, of course, that your emacs renders them correctly :-)

> Since combining characters work in non-windowed mode, I tried to look at
> describe-char output running emacs -nw -Q but describe-char on combining
> characters causes a fatal error. >.< I sent a bug report.

In Terminal you are using Terminal's ability to display Unicode characters. GNU Emacs is just a guest there. It's different when it uses its own windows.

The NS variant uses a lot of Emacs software to, for example, render text. There is a set of patches and some extra source files available at /ftp:anonymous@ftp.math.s.chiba-u.ac.jp:/ (in TRAMP notation). This set, emacs-24.1-mac-3.0.tar.gz, plus the released code for GNU Emacs 24.1  build, when configured --with-mac, together the "AppKit Emacs" which is much more integrated into Mac OS X, uses much more of Mac OS X than GNU Emacs. Try it! (You need to compile and install it yourself.)

Thanks for the patches. I've applied them to the 24.1.1 source but make segfaults when compiling profile.c. I don't have the time to fix this unfortunately.

I presume you use emacs on OS X? Did you build it using this patch? Do compositional characters work? Further, if you have the time, could you build the regular source --with-ns and see if they work there? Perhaps the issue is with my OS.




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